Tuesday 21 December 2010

A bit of weekend DIY

This weekend, we have decided to paint the bannisters. They are in the lounge and at the moment are an ugly, rather dirty pine. They aren't very attractive as bannisters go, so I've decided they must be painted a blending in cream colour! Luckily, D has agreed with me!

This is how they looked before:

We painted (well, D did this bit!) first with primer and knot blocker stuff (otherwise the colour from knots shows through).

Then we painted in this colour:
B&Q Everywhere satin paint ivory - link

We wanted quite pale but thought white would make the carpet look even more dirty! 

Here is the finished product!

So, I'm really pleased with how they've turned out. Not so pleased with the painting blister I managed to pick up - D keeps laughing to himself at my having picked up a painting injury!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great. And I love the last pic with your cute dog too! x
